Patrol Operations Bureau
Sheridan Police Department patrol operations are the primary means by which the department provides services to the citizens of Sheridan. Patrol officers drive clearly marked patrol vehicles, respond to calls for assistance, act as a deterrent to crime, provide public education, enforce laws, and respond to emergencies within the City of Sheridan. The Operations Bureau Lieutenant supervises the four (4) patrol shift sergeants who coordinate and supervise the daily activities of the patrol division. In order to provide continuous service to the citizens of Sheridan, the patrol division operates on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. Sheridan PD is the only 24 hour law enforcement agency in Sheridan County.
Special Operations Bureau
The Support Services Bureau consists of the Support Services Supervisor, School Resource Officers, Community Service Officers, and Detectives. The Support Services Bureau is responsible for animal control operations, recruiting and hiring, media contacts, internal affairs, and felony or specialized criminal investigations.
Administrative Services Bureau
The Administrative Services Bureau consists of the Administrative Services Manager, Evidence Technician and two Records Technicians. The Administrative Services Bureau is responsible for department records, property management, evidence, special projects and grant coordination, policy development and managing projects of the police department; building maintenance and recruitment of volunteer staff.