Project Overview
The City of Sheridan is inviting public input in conjunction with the 2019 update of its Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP serves as a blueprint for the maintenance and construction of important infrastructure to support the continued growth and development of the City. Infrastructure projects considered under the CIP include the City water distribution system, sanitary sewer collection system, storm drain system, and streets.
The public involvement process will consist of:
- Online survey open through midnight Friday, March 15. Review the survey results here.
- Public workshops as listed below; and
- Public comments submitted at public workshops.
The City CIP is developed based on a thorough evaluation of several factors, including:
- Public input
- Age and condition of streets and utilities;
- Size of streets and utilities relative to demand from existing and proposed development;
- Interrelationship of utilities (e.g., location of water, sanitary sewer and stormwater infrastructure beneath City streets);
- Existing master plans, studies and design reports; and
- Available and committed funding
The CIP is typically updated every 5 years to keep abreast of changes in the community. The last City of Sheridan CIP was completed in 2014. The City has contracted with WWC Engineering of Sheridan to complete the 2019 update to the CIP.
Public Workshops
Public Workshop 1
Overview of CIP planning process and review of compiled community survey results and opportunity
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Public Workshop 2
Overview of CIP planning process and review of compiled community survey results and opportunity
Thursday, April 25, 2019
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
All public workshops will be held at:
Sheridan Memorial Hospital Community Conference Room
61 S. Gould Street