West Works Street Water Transmission Main Project

Project Overview

The West Works Street Area Water Transmission Main Project is designed to improve the water distribution system, water quality and capacity for an area of the City of Sheridan west of Big Goose Creek and South of Kendrick Park. This area is currently served by a few older, smaller water transmission mains providing a limited water supply. An additional water main into this area will be installed to provide better overall transmission. The project will improve the water quality to 38 residences in the area and firefighting capabilities with improved flows and two additional fire hydrants. Phase I of the project began in February 2018 and was completed in April. Phase II is anticipated to begin in mid July. The entire project is anticipated to be completed by the end of August.

The design engineer for this project is DOWL of Sheridan; the contractor is Wilson Brothers Construction of Lovell. This project is fully funded with allocations from a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan with 50% principle forgiveness and a WWDC grant making up 67% of the total project cost.

Project Map

Project Map

Project Updates


Below is the update for the week of July 30th:

* The Contractor will be installing pipe under Beckton Avenue, from Deer Street to Schiller Street.
* Monte Vista will be closed starting Tuesday, July 27, 2018, for approximately 1 month. Detour signs will be placed to direct traffic.
* The Contractor will also be connecting water service lines to the new water main. Your home will lose water service for approximately 15 minutes during the cross-over. Residences will be notified 48 hours prior to loss of service.

Thank you for your patience throughout the first phase of this project. We apologize for the disturbances caused to area lawns and City streets. Landscaping reparation and final project clean-up will be conducted this fall. Additionally, road conditions will eventually be restored to their original or potentially better, pre-construction condition following this project's completion.

Phase II

Phase II Project Map: Phase II begins mid July

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Project Contacts

Nathan Rager
City Project Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 307-675-4237

Dale Lee
Dowl Engineer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 307-655-7686

Jeff Rosenlund
Dowl Project Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 307-655-7077

Mike Graves
Dowl On-Site Technician
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 307-751-2125