The City of Sheridan Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) treats the City's wastewater based
upon the high standards of the City and the rules set forth by the State of Wyoming and federal law. Our mission is to manage and operate safe, cost-efficient, and environmentally sound services for the benefit of the City of Sheridan. It is ultimately our goal to produce and discharge the highest quality effluent possible to maintain and protect our Wyoming water ways and its downstream users, such as Goose Creek.
The purpose of the WWTP is to continue to exceed state and regional wastewater treatment standards and to continuously produce the highest quality of effluent wastewater.
The WWTP collects and treats the sewage produced by the citizens and businesses of Sheridan. The wastewater is treated utilizing conventional activated sludge treatment methods with Sodium Hypochlorite disinfection. The WWTP treats an average of 2.3 million gallons of wastewater per day, and the biosolids that are removed from the plant are then transported to the City Landfill for composting, which is sold to the public as a Class A biosolids product.